Program of Inquiry (POI)
This is the foundation of the PE program. When planning for the year I needed to take into account the following:
The PE outcomes (you can find the mapped curriculum below that lists where each outcome will be addressed according to the unit.
The homeroom units:
E.G.: Usually the "How We Express Ourselves" unit integrates well with the PE Movement Composition unit.​ We are always on alert for any integration opportunities possible.
Homeroom concepts:
It makes sense to integrate through the same conceptual lens as the homerooms. This allows students to realize that concepts are transdisciplinary - that the concepts cross all disciplines, may it be math, art, science, or PE.​
Homeroom Approaches to Learning (ATLs):
We try to use the same skills, within reason, as the homeroom.
If the homeroom is focusing on Analysis, from the Critical Thinking strand of the ATL's (click here for more information on ATL's), then we will find a way in our lessons to target that same skill. Using video feedback combined with research from their unit PowerPoints can really develop this skill.
However, if the ATLs selected for the homeroom do not fit, then the PE team will select alternative skills that fit better with our lessons.
The homeroom Learner Profile:
Again, we try to utilize the same ​Learner Profile as the homeroom to demonstrate to the students that the Learner Profile permeates all aspects of their school life and beyond.
In class, we will find ways they can apply the selected Learner Profile in PE as well as the homeroom and their home life.
2023-2024 Program of Inquiry
Mapped Curriculum
Combines elements from 2 curriculums:
Ontario Curriculum
2023-2024 Mapped Curriculum