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Program of Inquiry (POI)

This is the foundation of the PE program. When planning for the year I needed to take into account the following:

  • The PE outcomes (you can find the mapped curriculum below that lists where each outcome will be addressed according to the unit.

  • The homeroom units:

    • E.G.: Usually the "How We Express Ourselves" unit integrates well with the PE Movement Composition unit.​ We are always on alert for any integration opportunities possible.

  • Homeroom concepts:

    • It makes sense to integrate through the same conceptual lens as the homerooms. This allows students to realize that concepts are transdisciplinary - that the concepts cross all disciplines, may it be math, art, science, or PE.​

  • Homeroom Approaches to Learning (ATLs):

    • We try to use the same skills, within reason, as the homeroom. 

    • If the homeroom is focusing on Analysis, from the Critical Thinking strand of the ATL's (click here for more information on ATL's), then we will find a way in our lessons to target that same skill. Using video feedback combined with research from their unit PowerPoints can really develop this skill.

    • However, if the ATLs selected for the homeroom do not fit, then the PE team will select alternative skills that fit better with our lessons.

  • The homeroom Learner Profile:

    • Again, we try to utilize the same ​Learner Profile as the homeroom to demonstrate to the students that the Learner Profile permeates all aspects of their school life and beyond.

    • In class, we will find ways they can apply the selected Learner Profile in PE as well as the homeroom and their home life.


2023-2024 Program of Inquiry


Mapped Curriculum

Combines elements from 2 curriculums: 


Ontario Curriculum


2023-2024 Mapped Curriculum


Mapped Curriculum: Inner_about
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