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Kindergarten Target Games

Central Idea: We can improve our PE skills by knowing ourselves, practicing safely and having fun

Learner Outcomes:

  • Active Living:

    • Develop a range of fine and gross motor skills​

    • Recognise that acting upon instructions and being aware of others helps to ensure safety

  • Identity:

    • Describe some physical and personal characteristics and personal preference​


  • 4 stations:

    • Thr​owing:

      • Hula-hoop Beanbag toss​

    • Kicking:​​

      • Football penalty kick​

    • Rolling:​​

      • Bowling ball and pin​

    • Hitting:​​

      • Paddle, dodge ball and a pin​

  • Quick demonstration of each station but important to let the students discover on their own the best way to send the object to the target. Stress the importance of sharing the equipment, taking turns and respecting each other.

  • Rotate after 5 minutes or so but 'feel' the class dynamics - are they getting bored, over confident, mischievous. If so, rein them in, discussion, move to next station. 


Lessons 2 to 5:

  • One 40 minute class dedicated to each of the 4 skills. 

  • Keep the activities centred around independent/partnered learning with minimal intrusion from the teacher. Provide tips here and there but mainly let the kids play and learn in their teams.

  • Layer a simple activity - this is a great way to use an entire lesson with the kids directing the lesson themselves:

    • Set a target at one end of an area​

    • Define 5 steps of progress

    • Step 1 is a short distance from the target ranging to step 5 being the furthest

    • Once completed stage 5 layer the activity:

      • i.e.: move on from rolling the ball into a goal to having to roll the ball and hitting a pin.​

    • Start the process from stage 1 but with an added layer.​​

  • Throughout this whole lesson, the kids know what step is next and that leaves you, the teacher, available to assist with skill execution rather than directing the entire class - simple and genius.

  • Use this for all skills for the next 3 lessons.


Formative: Lesson 6:

  • Students repeat lesson 1 - 4 stations, 3-4 minute rotations. Afterwards, students complete a formative assessment for the last 10-15 minutes of class. Please click on the link to access their assessment.

  • Kindergarten - Target Games - Formative Assessment

  • Referring to the Core Planning Document, specifically the "Form" concept. Students are describing what each movement is. They can write or draw - depending upon their literacy level.

  • Watch the YouTube video below to see the first half of the unit.


Kindergarten Target Games: News

Lesson 7-10:

  • Judging upon the success of the formative assessments you can design the rest of the lessons. It is here also where you look at the Core Planning Document and ensure you are hitting all the necessary points.

    • Are they developing a range of fine and gross motor skills?​ (Learner Outcomes)

    • Are they able to describe their actions? (Concept - Form)

    • ​Are they being open-minded? (Learner Profile)

  • Integration Gold:

    • Referring to the Core Planning Document, you can see the homeroom is learning about 'Celebrations'. Therefore, we decided to organise a Kindergarten Olympics. The biggest celebration of sport in the world.

    • Kindergarten - Target Games - Olympics Timeline

    • Furthermore, the Dance Department choreographed the Opening Ceremony and the Music Department organised the Closing Ceremony. The Kindergarten classes got a great experience learning about Celebrations for this unit.

  • Back to PE, lesson 7 is where I explain their summative assessment - the project they would be working on for the next 4-5 lessons - the Kindergarten Olympics.

  • I am a big believer in the power of provocations. Therefore, it is important to get the kids really excited about the second half of the unit and their Olympics as well. This video is especially powerful - I use it also for my Athletics units for the older grades:

  • Their activities will be more dynamic in nature rather than static, of which they did for lessons 1-6.

    • Kicking: Small sided games of football​

    • Throwing: Small sided games of handball or other modified games that is simple enough for Kindergarten students

    • Rolling: Small sided handball but modified where they need to roll the ball rather than throwing

    • Hitting: A game called, '5 shot' where one person is the striker and the rest of the group are fielders. The striker hits 5 balls off 5 different tees then runs to a base and back before all the balls are fielded back into their original position.


Lesson 11/12:

  • We invited all the parents and teachers to join in the fun that is the Kindergarten Olympics. Overall, it was a fantastic event. The kids performed their dance and music numbers exceptionally well. Their sportsmanship during the events themselves was brilliant. 

  • The video below is a quick rundown of the day.

  • So there we have it, a brief summary of Target Games for Kindergarten. Outcomes were satisfied with plenty of avenues of integration. 

  • Let me know your thoughts, where could I have done better, anything particularly stand out? Shoot me a message here.

Kindergarten Target Games: News
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